Loaned Executives Needed
Are you a community-minded employee? Are you employed by a community-minded employer? If the answer is yes, then we would love to speak with you! The impact we are able to make in our local community of Lake County depends on the support we receive from area businesses, organizations and employees.
In preparation for our annual campaigns, United Ways across the country reach out to community-minded employers to lend key personnel to serve as full-time fundraisers during the campaign (flexible hours from 10-25 per week), widely known as a Loaned Executive Program. United Way of Lake County is looking to implement this program for our upcoming campaign and we are hoping we can count on you! And if you are not an employer, but are community minded and would love to help, we would be happy to speak with your employer on your behalf. Just email us at friends@uwlc.org or call 440-639-1131!
Our Loaned Executive (LE) Program is just that — a loan of an executive (or multiple executives) from your organization for an intensive period from August through December, beginning with a one-day mandatory training session (date tbd-early August). Each LE will work with a portfolio of assigned companies to make presentations and garner community support for United Way of Lake County. The Loaned Executive will work with Lake County business owners, Chief Executive Officers, executive directors and company staff representatives to assist in organizing internal United Way of Lake County campaigns.
Many organizations use the LE Program to aid the development of employees who they hope will assume leadership positions in the future. Under this program, fundraising, presentations and community impact combine for a unique challenge that also give the employee and company tremendous community exposure. Benefits include:
- Leadership and marketing potential
- Increased visibility as a caring corporate citizen
- An opportunity to test the capacity of the executive in a new realm
We hope you will make an investment guaranteed to produce returns for your business and our community. Please consider loaning us one or more of your finest for this year’s campaign as we fight for the health, education and financial stability of every person in Lake County. Below are links to more information about the program and a sign-up form.