Giving to United Way of Lake County is Quick and Simple!
In addition to offering several quick and simple ways to donate, we accept cash, checks, credit card, and stocks. We even offer a cyclical billing option that allows you to make an automatic gift payment throughout the year.
6 Simple Ways to Give
1. Donate online by clicking here!
2. Mail a check payable to United Way of Lake County:
United Way of Lake County
9285 Progress Parkway
Mentor, OH 44060
3. Call 440.639.1291 to donate by phone.
4. Text UWLC23 to 26989
4. Run a United Way of Lake County workplace fundraising campaign or give through your company's existing United Way of Lake County fundraising campaign. For more information, contact Dione DeMitro at 440-639-1399 or via email at ddemitro@uwlc.org.
5. Planned Giving - Leaving a Legacy. Click here for details.
Important Notice to Lake County Residents who Work Outside of Lake County
If you live in Lake County, but work in another county where you make a workplace donation through your employer's fundraising campaign, it's very important to be aware of the following:
A) The ONLY way to ensure your gift benefits your home community of Lake County, is to designate your gift to United Way of LAKE COUNTY.
B) Write or type United Way LAKE COUNTY on your pledge form so that your home United Way branch receives your support.
C) If you do not see a place to specify this designation on either your paper or electronic pledge form, ask your workplace administrator. Do not be shy.
D) If you are unsure, you can always, donate direct via steps #1- #4 above.