A Partnership in Mental Health: NAMI Lake County
Over the years, NAMI Lake County and the United Way of Lake County have partnered to help families suffering from drug addiction and mental health concerns find and restore hope in their lives. Through NAMI's ‘Return to Hope’program participants benefit from a peer-led experience to gain new knowledge about the topics and support from each other. The journey of recovery from a dual diagnosis takes a considerable toll on the person afflicted by the illness and the family members surrounding them.
As one client participant suggested, “Return to Hope has helped me to understand and empathize with the struggles of those with coexisting diagnosis. It has taught me strategies to better lead my life when involved with a loved one with a coexisting diagnosis. The lessons learned in Return to Hope benefit both parties in this struggle.”
Return to Hope offers an inspiring look into the lives of those suffering from addiction and mental health concerns and looks to guide their loved ones through the process of understanding. It encourages education, compassion, and advocacy for the individuals and family members of those affected by mental health conditions and addiction. As a peer and family member, one can expect to find encouragement, inspiration, and above all else, HOPE for their families and situations. Return to Hope is an integral part of the mission and success of NAMI Lake County.
As another client participant stated, “Return to Hope was a real godsend for me. My son has been dealing with severe (mental health concerns), trauma, and substance abuse since he was a teen. He is now in his late 30’s, living with me, and still struggling. Return to Hope gave me information to understand my son’s illness with empathy and the tools to detach with love, so I could live without drowning in his struggles. Return to Hope does what it says. - it truly gives you hope for a better future for your d your loved one.”
In the words of yet another client participant, “When a family member is going through a mental health crisis, you don't know where to turn, who to talk to or what to say. This class was so open and accepting. The knowledge I gained from this class was unmeasurable. My husband really put a lot of blame on himself, since he thinks he should be able to "fix it." This class made him see that it isn't something that he can "Fix." He is now interested in becoming a facilitator (to) give back.”
Return to Hope is grounded in evidence-based research and is a product of the work of Joanna Mannon, MH/SUD Program Coordinator. Without the consistent financial support of United Way of Lake County, and the generous contributions of the community, this vital program would not be a reality.