Women United of United Way of Lake County Speaker Series & Special Events
The socials and speaker series Women United (WU) hosts are popular affairs with a great group of women. The Speaker Series features top-notch speakers and are designed to educate and enlighten residents on an array of philanthropic, community, and personal development topics. WU also hosts several Socials with a Purpose throughout the year. These are always great fun and have included things like Paint & Sip events, Yoga in the Park, Vision Board Creation, and the list goes on. For each social and speaker series hosted, WU adopts a cause ("the purpose") that it asks attendees to bring a donation in support of. Requests for donations have included personal hygiene products for clients of Forbes House, books in support of childhood literacy, gently used professional clothing, and the list goes on. Lastly, WU hosts its annual Women's Winterfest & Holiday Food Tasting Fundraiser every Winter, typically at the end of November. The event is wildly popular and includes food samples from up to 20 restaurants, a raffle, games, prizes, and more! Funds raised are used to support WU's grant program to uplift and support Lake County women, girls, and children in need.
A list of current events can always be found under the Events tab at the top of this site.
Here's a bit of fun had by those who attended our Paint & Sip Social at Grand River Cellars the evening of September 21, 2023: